Cyberenforcement Continues at NYDFS — The Insurance Industry Remains in Focus

On May 12, 2021, NYDFS issued another Cybersecurity enforcement action vs. Unum Life and Paul Revere Life. What you need to know from the findings in the Consent Orde (yes, another settlement):
• The companies must pay a $1.8 million penalty, & conduct remediation and an independent third-party audit
• The relevant Cybersecurity Events occurred in September 2018 and October 2019 – both phishing intrusions; dozens of employee email accounts compromised and NPI of New Yorkers and others made accessible
• The companies did not have effective multi-factor authentication (MFA) in place for the e-mail environment until August 2019, long after the Mar 2018 deadline
• The Consent Order specifically finds the companies “falsely certified compliance with the Cybersecurity Regulation for the calendar year 2018.”  Still, there is no suggestion concerning the actual level of intent underlying false certification, or whether any other consequences flow.
• There is no specific finding regarding the number of violations underlying the penalty; NYDFS finds two subsections of the regulation as violations of law.
• ENFORCEMENT TAKEAWAY:  A big focus on MFA is emerging. If an entity did not implement effective MFA by March 2018, a subsequent Cybersecurity Event involving access to non public information (NPI) is a likely enforcement target. Additionally, the insurance industry remains in focus.


The Consent Order may be found here: